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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - see


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(sees, seeing, saw, seen) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. When you see something, you notice it using your eyes. You can’t see colours at night... I saw a man making his way towards me... She can see, hear, touch, smell, and taste... As he neared the farm, he saw that a police car was parked outside it... Did you see what happened? VERB: no cont, V n, V n -ing, V, V that, V wh 2. If you see someone, you visit them or meet them. Mick wants to see you in his office right away... You need to see a doctor. VERB: V n, V n 3. If you see an entertainment such as a play, film, concert, or sports game, you watch it. He had been to see a Semi-Final of the FA Cup... It was one of the most amazing films I’ve ever seen. = watch VERB: no cont, V n, V n 4. If you see that something is true or exists, you realize by observing it that it is true or exists. I could see she was lonely. ...a lot of people saw what was happening but did nothing about it... You see young people going to school inadequately dressed for the weather... My taste has changed a bit over the years as you can see... The army must be seen to be taking firm action. VERB: no cont, V that, V wh, V n -ing, V, be V-ed to-inf 5. If you see what someone means or see why something happened, you understand what they mean or understand why it happened. Oh, I see what you’re saying... I really don’t see any reason for changing it... Now I see that I was wrong. = understand VERB: no cont, no passive, V wh, V n, V that 6. If you see someone or something as a certain thing, you have the opinion that they are that thing. She saw him as a visionary, but her father saw him as a man who couldn’t make a living... Others saw it as a betrayal... I don’t see it as my duty to take sides... As I see it, Llewelyn has three choices open to him... Women are sometimes seen to be less effective as managers. VERB: V n as n/-ing, V it as n, V it as n to-inf, V it, be V-ed to-inf 7. If you see a particular quality in someone, you believe they have that quality. If you ask what someone sees in a particular person or thing, you want to know what they find attractive about that person or thing. Frankly, I don’t know what Paul sees in her... Young and old saw in him an implacable opponent of apartheid. VERB: no cont, no passive, V n in n, V in n n 8. If you see something happening in the future, you imagine it, or predict that it will happen. A good idea, but can you see Taylor trying it?... We can see a day where all people live side by side. = imagine VERB: no cont, V n -ing, V n 9. If a period of time or a person sees a particular change or event, it takes place during that period of time or while that person is alive. Yesterday saw the resignation of the acting Interior Minister... He had worked with the General for three years and was sorry to see him go... Mr Frank has seen the economy of his town slashed by the uprising. VERB: no passive, V n, V n inf, V n -ed 10. You can use see in expressions to do with finding out information. For example, if you say ‘I’ll see what’s happening’, you mean that you intend to find out what is happening. Let me just see what the next song is... Shake him gently to see if he responds. VERB: V wh, V wh 11. You can use see to promise to try and help someone. For example, if you say ‘I’ll see if I can do it’, you mean that you will try to do the thing concerned. I’ll see if I can call her for you... We’ll see what we can do, miss. VERB: V if, V wh 12. If you see that something is done or if you see to it that it is done, you make sure that it is done. See that you take care of him... Catherine saw to it that the information went directly to Walter. VERB: V that, V to it that 13. If you see someone to a particular place, you accompany them to make sure that they get there safely, or to show politeness. He didn’t offer to see her to her car... ‘Goodnight.’—‘I’ll see you out.’ VERB: V n prep/adv, V n prep/adv 14. If you see a lot of someone, you often meet each other or visit each other. We used to see quite a lot of his wife, Carolyn... VERB: V amount of n 15. If you are seeing someone, you spend time with them socially, and are having a romantic or sexual relationship. My husband was still seeing her and he was having an affair with her. VERB: V n 16. Some writers use see in expressions such as we saw and as we have seen to refer to something that has already been explained or described. We saw in Chapter 16 how annual cash budgets are produced... Using the figures given above, it can be seen that machine A pays back the initial investment in two years... VERB: V wh, V that 17. See is used in books to indicate to readers that they should look at another part of the book, or at another book, because more information is given there. See Chapter 7 below for further comments on the textile industry. VERB: only imper, V n 18. You can use seeing that or seeing as to introduce a reason for what you are saying. (mainly BRIT INFORMAL, SPOKEN) Seeing as Mr Moreton is a doctor, I would assume he has a modicum of intelligence. = since PHRASE: CONJ SUBORD 19. You can say ‘I see’ to indicate that you understand what someone is telling you. (SPOKEN) ‘He came home in my car.’—‘I see.’ CONVENTION c darkgreen]formulae 20. People say ‘I’ll see’ or ‘We’ll see’ to indicate that they do not intend to make a decision immediately, and will decide later. We’ll see. It’s a possibility. CONVENTION 21. People say ‘let me see’ or ‘let’s see’ when they are trying to remember something, or are trying to find something. Let’s see, they’re six–no, make that five hours ahead of us... Now let me see, who’s the man we want? CONVENTION 22. If you try to make someone see sense or see reason, you try to make them realize that they are wrong or are being stupid. He was hopeful that by sitting together they could both see sense and live as good neighbours... PHRASE: V inflects 23. You can say ‘you see’ when you are explaining something to someone, to encourage them to listen and understand. (SPOKEN) Well, you see, you shouldn’t really feel that way about it... CONVENTION 24. ‘See you’, ‘be seeing you’, and ‘see you later’ are ways of saying goodbye to someone when you expect to meet them again soon. (INFORMAL, SPOKEN) ‘Talk to you later.’—‘All right. See you love.’ = bye CONVENTION c darkgreen]formulae 25. You can say ‘You’ll see’ to someone if they do not agree with you about what you think will happen in the future, and you believe that you will be proved right. The thrill wears off after a few years of marriage. You’ll see. CONVENTION 26. to have seen better days: see day to be seen dead: see dead as far as the eye can see: see eye to see eye to eye: see eye as far as I can see: see far to see fit: see fit to see red: see red it remains to be seen: see remain wait and see: see wait
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   I. verb  (saw; ~n; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English ~n, from Old English seon; akin to Old High German sehan to ~ and perhaps to Latin sequi to follow — more at sue  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to perceive by the eye  b. to perceive or detect as if by sight  2.  a. to have experience of ; undergo ~ army service  b. to come to know ; discover  c. to be the setting or time of the last fifty years have ~n a sweeping revolution in science — Barry Commoner  3.  a. to form a mental picture of ; visualize can still ~ her as she was years ago  b. to perceive the meaning or importance of ; understand  c. to be aware of ; recognize ~s only our faults  d. to imagine as a possibility ; suppose couldn't ~ him as a crook  4.  a. examine, watch want to ~ how she handles the problem  b.  (1) read  (2) to read of  c. to attend as a spectator ~ a play  5.  a. to take care of ; provide for had enough money to ~ us through  b. to make sure ~ that order is kept  6.  a. to regard as ; judge  b. to prefer to have I'll ~ him hanged first I'll ~ you dead before I accept your terms  c. to find acceptable or attractive can't understand what he ~s in her  7.  a. to call on ; visit  b.  (1) to keep company with especially in courtship or dating had been ~ing each other for a year  (2) to grant an interview to ; receive the president will ~ you now  8. accompany, escort ~ the guests to the door  9. to meet (a bet) in poker or to equal the bet of (a player) ; call  intransitive verb  1.  a. to give or pay attention  b. to look about  2.  a. to have the power of sight  b. to apprehend objects by sight  c. to perceive objects as if by sight  3.  a. to grasp something mentally  b. to acknowledge or consider something being pointed out ~, I told you it would rain  4. to make investigation or inquiry  • ~able adjective  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English se, from Anglo-French se, ~, from Latin sedes seat; akin to Latin sedere to sit —...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. v. (past saw; past part. seen) 1 tr. discern by use of the eyes; observe; look at (can you see that spider?; saw him fall over). 2 intr. have or use the power of discerning objects with the eyes (sees best at night). 3 tr. discern mentally; understand (I see what you mean; could not see the joke). 4 tr. watch; be a spectator of (a film, game, etc.). 5 tr. ascertain or establish by inquiry or research or reflection (I will see if the door is open). 6 tr. consider; deduce from observation (I see that you are a brave man). 7 tr. contemplate; foresee mentally (we saw that no good would come of it; can see myself doing this job indefinitely). 8 tr. look at for information (usu. in imper. as a direction in or to a book: see page 15). 9 tr. meet or be near and recognize (I saw your mother in town). 10 tr. a meet socially (sees her sister most weeks). b meet regularly as a boyfriend or girlfriend; court (is still seeing that tall man). 11 tr. give an interview to (the doctor will see you now). 12 tr. visit to consult (went to see the doctor). 13 tr. find out or learn, esp. from a visual source (I see the match has been cancelled). 14 intr. reflect; consider further; wait until one knows more (we shall have to see). 15 tr. interpret or have an opinion of (I see things differently now). 16 tr. experience; have presented to one's attention (I never thought I would see this day). 17 tr. recognize as acceptable; foresee (do you see your daughter marrying this man?). 18 tr. observe without interfering (stood by and saw them squander my money). 19 tr. find attractive (can't think what she sees in him). 20 intr. (usu. foll. by to, or that + infin.) make provision for; ensure; attend to (shall see to your request immediately; see that he gets home safely) (cf. see to it). 21 tr. escort or conduct (to a place etc.) (saw them home). 22 tr. be a witness of (an event etc.) (see the New Year in). 23 tr. supervise (an action etc.) (will stay and see the doors locked). 24 tr. a (in gambling, esp. poker) equal (a bet). b equal the bet of (a player), esp....
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  1. церк. епархия 2. церк. престол 3. церк. чин епископа 4. церк. папство Id: the Holy S., the S. of Rome —- папский престол 5. видеть to see well —- видеть хорошо cats see well at night —- кошки хорошо видят ночью (в темноте) he can't see —- он не видит, он слепой I can't see as far as that —- я на таком далеком расстоянии не вижу to see nothing —- ничего не видеть I looked but saw nothing —- я посмотрел, но ничего не увидел 6. смотреть, видеть to see a play —- смотреть пьесу I saw this film last year —- я видел этот фильм в прошлом году I saw an interesting story the other day —- на днях мне попался на глаза интересный рассказ have you seen today's paper? —- вы видели сегодняшнюю газету? did you see about her death in the paper? —- вы читали извещение о ее смерти в газетах? let me see that letter —- покажите мне это письмо, разрешите взглянуть на это письмо to see smth. with one's own eyes —- видеть что-л. собственными глазами all this took place in the street, where all could see —- все это произошло на улице на глазах у всех he is not fit to be seen —- он в таком виде, что не может показаться на людях what sort of man is he to see? —- какой он на вид? see, here he comes! —- смотри (видишь), вот он идет! 7. справляться, смотреть see page four —- смотри страницу 4 see (as) above —- смотри выше see also —- смотри также (частная ссылка) 8. представлять себе I can't see you old —- не могу...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  off the premises выпроводить, спровадить кого-л. SEE I v.  1) видеть; смотреть, глядеть; наблюдать; to see well - хорошо видеть - see visions  2) осматривать; let me see the book - покажите мне книгу [ср. тж. see  4) ]; the doctor must see him at once - врач должен немедленно осмотреть его - see the sights  3) понимать, знать; сознавать; I see - я понимаю; you see, it is like this - видите ли, дело обстоит таким образом; he cannot see the joke - он не понимает этой шутки; now you see what it is to be careless - теперь ты видишь, что значит быть неосторожным; as far as I can see - насколько я могу судить; dont you see? - разве вы не понимаете?; I do not see how to do it - не знаю, как это сделать  4) подумать, размыслить; let me see - дайте подумать; позвольте, постойте [ср. тж. see  2) ]; we must see what could be done - следует поразмыслить, что можно сделать  5) вообразить, представить себе; I can clearly see him doing it - я ясно себе представляю, как он это делает  6) придерживаться определенного взгляда; I see life (things) differently now - я теперь иначе смотрю на жизнь (на вещи)  7) повидать(ся); навестить; we went to see her - мы пошли к ней в гости; when will you come and see us? - когда вы придете к нам?; can I see you on business? - могу я увидеться с вами по делу?  8) узнавать, выяснять; I dont know but Ill see - я не знаю, но я выясню  9) встречаться, видаться; we have...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 v past tense saw past participle seen »UNDERSTAND/REALIZE« 1 to understand or realize something  (I can see that you're not very happy with the situation. | Seeing his distress, Louise put her arm around him.) + why/what/who etc  ("Ann's really fed up." "I can see why!") see what sb means usually spoken (=understand what someone is saying)  (Do you see what I mean? | see the point (=understand the reason for something))  (I can't see the point of learning Latin when you're never going to use it. | see both sides (=understand both opinions in a discussion or argument) | not see that it matters (=not think something is important))  (The recipe says to use fresh cream, but I can't see that it matters. | not see the joke (=not understand why something is funny))  (Ian laughed politely even though he couldn't see the joke. | not see reason/sense (=realize you are being silly or unreasonable))  (I've tried to explain that we can't afford it, but he just won't see reason.) 2 I see spoken used to show that you are listening to what someone is telling you and that you understand it  ("You turn this dial to control the central heating." "Oh, I see.") 3 you see spoken used when you are explaining something to someone  (The shop's open till 8 you see, so I can pick some stuff up after work. | You see the thing is I'm really busy right now.) 4 see spoken used to check that someone is listening and understands what you are explaining to them  (You mix the flour and eggs like this, see.) 5 see sth for what it is/see sb for what they are to realize that someone or something is not as good or pleasant as they seem »WITH YOUR EYES« 6 not see the wood for the trees also not see the forest for the trees AmE to be unable to understand something because you are looking too much at small details rather than the whole thing 7 »ABILITY TO SEE« T not in progressive to be able to use your eyes to look at things and know what they are  (I can't see a thing without my glasses! | not see to do sth)  (It's so dark I can hardly see to do my...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  NASA abbr. Space Environments Ecovillage U.S. gov. abbr. Social Environmental And Ethical mil. abbr. Supplementary Electronic Equipment mil. abbr. Small Emplacement Excavator mil. abbr. Standard External Evaluation airport code Gillespie Field, San Diego, California USA meteo abbr. Static Exchange Evaluation ac. degr. abbr. Society Economy And Environment univ. abbr. Students For Energy Education univ. abbr. Selection, Education, and Enrollment univ. abbr. Science Education And Ethics mathem. abbr. Standard Error Of Estimate comp. assem. abbr. Binary Painter Operator non-prof. org. abbr. Surgical Eye Expeditions educ. abbr. Signing Exact English educ. abbr. Successful Education Endeavors educ. abbr. Support Education And Encouragement educ. abbr. Senior Educational Experience educ. abbr. Science And Everyday Experiences educ. abbr. Summer Enrichment Experience educ. abbr. Summer Exploratory Experience gen. bus. abbr. Social And Environmental Entrepreneurs gen. bus. abbr. Support Encourage And Enhance gen. bus. abbr. Social Environmental And Economic gen. bus. abbr. Social Envionmental And Ethical gen. bus. abbr. Search Evaluate Execute NYSE symbols Sealed Air Corporation st. exc. abbr. Stock Earnings Escalator st. exc. abbr. Swiss Electronic Exchange ...
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